Activities for Day #9
Activity #1 - READING
Did you finish your good fit book for this week, and complete the writing for the discussion questions? If so, well done! Read for fun today! If not, can you get it done today? Spring break doesn't technically start until 3:15pm, I challenge you to complete this well, and send me a picture!
Remember that the link for the tutorial on this process is under the Home Learning Info tab. I do have specific expectations for this, so please read the note on the inside of your notebook, or watch the video.
I'm leaving this Read at Home Bingo card with you. I've said it before, but I like checking boxes, or crossing things off my list. I've printed myself a bingo card and am hoping to get at least one line completed with my boys during the break. I'm also going to try and write the books we read in the squares. Enjoy a rich reading life over your spring break, and use the bingo board if you want to make it extra fun!
Remember that the link for the tutorial on this process is under the Home Learning Info tab. I do have specific expectations for this, so please read the note on the inside of your notebook, or watch the video.
I'm leaving this Read at Home Bingo card with you. I've said it before, but I like checking boxes, or crossing things off my list. I've printed myself a bingo card and am hoping to get at least one line completed with my boys during the break. I'm also going to try and write the books we read in the squares. Enjoy a rich reading life over your spring break, and use the bingo board if you want to make it extra fun!
Activity #2 - WRITING
It's Thankful Thursday!
Write that gratitude down! I try and do this daily, and challenge you to do the same, but for sure on Thursdays, keep in the habit of sharing what you are grateful for!A few options today:
1. Make a list in your writers notebook
2. Write a thank you note to someone. Deliver it or send them a picture of it. It'll make their day!
3. Do gratitude art and hang it in your room as a daily reminder of things you're grateful for.
4. Sit with your family and go around the table sharing what each person is grateful for today
Activity #3 - WORD WORK
Spelling City
It's spelling test day! Even if you didn't finish your other 4/4 tasks, please login and take your test today!
It's spelling test day! Even if you didn't finish your other 4/4 tasks, please login and take your test today!
Activity #4 - MATH
Are you caught up on your 2 math assignments? Check under students links if you aren't sure what your assignment is. Do a little more of your work before the spring break. I challenge you to be caught up!
Activity #5 - MATH
It's whiteboard day! Grab your whiteboard, fill it in to complete what I've posted, and send me a dojo picture!
*Complete the word problem by using colours and drawing a picture to show your work on a piece of paper. *
Challenges for Day #9
The following challenges below are meant to enhance your child's learning. I challenge students to complete as many as they want or can.
Challenge #1 - Zoom Class Meeting!
It's zoom meeting pajama day! Let's meet at 10:30am - follow the link and password on the Dojo invite! Don't forget to bring your Thankful Thursday to share, a poem you've written or read this week, and maybe even a stuffie and snack to share with your class. I also have a few other fun little things planned for our hangout if we have time. Can't wait to see you!
Challenge #2 - Wonder
Last day! Listen in to see how Auggie's first year at school ends. Thanks so much for tuning in, I hope you enjoyed the book! Now, go watch the movie :)
Challenge #3 - Covid Time Capsule
Students, you are literally living in a time that is changing history. It's pretty crazy when you think about it. Over the Easter break - I'm going to be filling parts of this capsule out for each of my boys, and myself.
Funny story - since we are speaking about time capsules. Yesterday I had a bit of a time capsule delivered to my house. My mom has been going through all the things in storage, and she brought me a box of my school work starting from Kindergarten! You will get to see some of this work after the break because I'm going to challenge you to print nicer than me... so get practicing :)
All that to say - the things you are creating, thinking, writing, and reading right now, will be so interesting to reflect back on in 2, 5, 10, 40 years. I encourage you to take some time, and fill this out! I'm also happy to print a copy out for you after the break if you want (or if you read this earlier enough in the day, I can have it ready and printed for you today... so if you feel like going for a walk by the school today, let me know and I'll leave a copy outside!). I think this would be something really neat to look back on one day! There is even work for your parents to do in there!
Challenge #4 - Lethbridge #stayhome Bingo
Last thing, if you happened to print off the activity and challenge tracker at the beginning of the week, I would LOVE to see what you were up to this week. Send me a picture on Dojo of all your checkmarks!
Thanks for another great week, I miss you, but really enjoyed seeing all of your work on Dojo and chatting with you through Zoom. Have an egg-cellent Spring Break, and we will see you when school resumes on Tuesday, April 21, 2020.