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Day #6 - Marvelous Monday!

Activities for Day #6

These are activities that I suggest students try and accomplish each day. There will typically be a reading, writing, word work, and 2 math activities. I feel like a broken record, but truly do what you can, and aim for the learning to be an enjoyable time. Reach out if you have any questions or concerns!

Activity #1 - READING

It's a new week! Grab your good fit books from your 'writing about reading' notebook, and get started on book #2. (if you didn't do this last week, just start with #1 and go in order.) I also challenge you to send me a short clip of you reading your book on Monday, and then when you read it the last time through. This will be neat to add to your portfolio as you should improve your fluency throughout the week. Remember to watch the video below if you have any questions about this process. Please try and follow the videos instructions closely. 
Info video on Writing about Reading - Good Fit Books
Second reading challenge for today - we are starting poetry! April is poetry month. To kick it off I just want you to get reading poetry. On EPIC (link is under student links) I've assigned a few poetry books to you, but your goal is just to get finding poetry (online, print, audiobook) and start watching for what poets do, how poetry makes you feel, and what do poems have in common.

Activity #2 - WRITING

Here is a writing challenge for you to start each day with (or you could do this before bed). I encourage you to write 3 memorable things in your writers notebook each night or every morning as your first task. These can be simple, and in point form, or you could expand on them and write full memories out. 
Here is an example of mine from the weekend:
1. Seth and his friend chatting on facetime - so much cuteness.
2. Costco trip - weird, eerie, quietness. How people walked around each other. Long line - so well organized, and moved fast. Great job Costco.
3. both boys laundry is finished and put away! :)
1. Seth and Nixon battling for mom cuddles in the morning. LUV!
2. house is looking sweet - getting so many tasks done!
3. piano demolition - so time consuming - biggest piece is still in the house :[
As you can see from the above, it doesn't have to be fancy, or take a lot of time. It's just interesting to see what stands out as memorable during this time. Try this for a few days, and I would love if a few of you would share one of your days on our Thursday Zoom meeting!
**Remember last week, I challenged you to decorate your writers notebook! Bring your decorated book, or a cool piece you've written to share with the class today!**

Activity #3 - WORD WORK

New spelling lists have been added to spelling city (by noon today :S). If you didn't complete your test from last week, please complete that test first. All you need to do today is the pre-test. Write down any words you didn't get correct, and practice writing them correctly 3x.

Activity #4 - MATH

Mad Minute Monday. 
You are going to try a mad minutes (or 3) today. I've linked them in Dojo - so print them if you can, or parents could just read them outloud and keep track of how many you get. You are only trying to beat yourself remember! 

Activity #5 - MATH

Math Game Monday! Here is a game to challenge your brain! This game is brought to us my the amazing Miss McKay, and she asked Mr. B to help her demonstrate how to play. Try it out! It's challenging and lots of fun!

Challenges for Day #6

The following challenges below are meant to enhance your child's learning. I challenge students to complete as many as they want or can.

Challenge #1 - Zoom Class Meeting!

It's zoom meeting day! Let's meet at 2:30pm - follow the link and password on the Dojo invite! Don't forget to bring your writers notebook, a whiteboard, pen, and eraser. We are going to practice some rhyming, and maybe read a few poems together! Can't wait to see you!

Challenge #2 - Wonder

Listen to me read Wonder! Be kind to one another today! It's the last week of Wonder! Enjoy!

Challenge #3 - Music Monday 

My wonderful friend Ms Costello has shared more music lessons with us! Music is so good for our brains and hearts. I challenge you to try the lessons and send me a video of you practicing! 
She also sent me a musical story. Here are some comprehension challenges and you listen. 
Listen for the different instruments, and also the rhyming!
How many rhyming pairs can you find?
It talks about different groups of people playing instruments - this relates to our math!
What is a nonet?
How many people are in a nonet?
What other words describe groups of people?
What is it called when 7 people play together? 

Challenge #4 - Your Monday Move It

Get your move on! Try and move your body for at least 30 mins each day! Just like gym class or recess. There are a few things to try here, and ones we've tried in the past weeks are under Movement Breaks under Student Links on the blog!  

**Parents: in Dojo, I've linked a PDF that will hopefully help you as you organize and complete your child's work. Feel free to print it off, and keep track of what you are doing, and if you'd like, I'd love to see the completed ones at the end of the week. This is not used as a way to track what you're doing (that piece is just for you), but it gives me a good idea about what I'm sending out, and I can see trends etc. Thanks! Hope it is helpful!**