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Day #2 - Let's Go!

I hope your first day of online learning went great! I was SO wonderful to see so many of your smiling faces in our first ZOOM meeting, and I look forward to another one on Thursday morning! Thank you also to everyone who sent in pictures of their work, or uploaded them to Portfolio. I've created an "activity" called Tuesday, March 31 activities. Please upload any of your work (activities or challenges" into this area.
Activity #1 - Word Work
On spelling city you should be at 3/__ (some groups have 6 or 7 this week). Your goal is to complete the first 3 tasks in order to stay on track for your test on Friday.
I challenged you to write your words on a piece of paper (or whiteboard) yesterday, and today I challenge you to add them into your writing.
At the top the page in your writers notebook, please write your 10 words. As you complete your writing task today, your goal is to include each of those words! As you add them in, use a pencil crayon or pen to go over them, and also underline them. Let's see who will accept my challenge :)

Activity #2 - Writing
I will try and provide 2 writing prompts each day - however, please know you don't have to use the prompts. If you have something you want to write about please go for it! The prompts are just there to help you get started. Maybe you begin writing based on a prompt and it turns into something totally different. That's great! Run with it!
You are expected to write for 20 minutes. Please practice your neatest printing (take your time), and try and spell your words correctly. Underline any words you aren't sure about, and have an adult check them.
Prompts for the day:
1. What would you like to change in the world?
   Try and add details, write in full sentences, or maybe you write a list. A one word answer is not meeting expectations :)
2. What makes you jump for joy?
     Again, maybe you write a list, draw a picture with your writing, or tell a story about a time you jumped for joy.
**don't forget the word work challenge from above! Try and get those sight words into your writing!**

Activity #3 - Reading
A big shout out to everyone who got set up with EPIC yesterday! Your reading activity is from Epic today. I have assigned you a book to read, and if there is a quiz at the end, please complete it!
After you've read the book I assigned - pick a free choice book from the site to read.

Good fit book - reread your Good Fit book #1 today, and discuss your answers for a few of the questions on the sheet. Tomorrow we will start writing our responses, so make sure you have a good understanding of your book.

Activity #4 - Math Online-ish
Watch the math video Miss McKay and myself made, and try this game at home. You will need a deck of cards with no 10's, J's, Q's, or K's.
Try playing the game with a partner or on your own. Remember your goal is to get the closest to 100 when using addition, and the closest to 0 when doing subtraction.
**if you need a deck of cards, please let me know, I have extra decks at school!**
**I will try and link the PDF into Dojo if you want the official game board**

Activity #5 - Math Offline
Complete the whiteboard problems of the day.

Challenge #1 - Move your body!
Try and move your body for at least 30 minutes today. It's a little chilly outside today, but don't let that stop you from getting some fresh air. I've also linked a few ideas you could try below!
Fresh Start Fitness - pick a few, they are short!
Challenge #2
Did you know you could still go on Spotify and listen to our class playlist! Today your challenge is to suggest a song or two that I could add to the playlist. You can't just send me the song though, follow the example below to suggest a song! This will be a weekly challenge! :)

Song Name: The Power of Yet
Artist: C.J. Luckey
Why: I think this song should be on the class playlist because the power of yet is super important. This song encourages and inspires me and I hope it will remind my class that just because we can't do something - YET - it doesn't mean we won't be able to do something eventually.

Challenge #3 - Wonder by R.J. Palacio
Here is a new Wonder reading link! Enjoy! We are almost done the book, by next Friday you should be done!
Challenge #4 - Cooking
Cooking is an amazing way to practice math. Help your family cook something, but notice the measurements you need. Instead of using a full cup, use a 1/4 cup 4x. Parents this challenge will take a little extra effort from you, but it could be fun! Send us a picture of what you make.

Have a great day! See you tomorrow!