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Day #7 Tuesday

Activities for Day #6

It's GREEN shirt day in honour of the #LoganBouletEffect. Send me your pictures through Dojo messenger and I will pass them onto the office for their group project!
 Learn more here!
Can you check off all your activities today? I think you can! Good luck, and remember to have fun! 
I challenge you to use the PDF that looks like the picture above to check off your work this week! I don't know about you guys, but it makes me feel accomplished and proud when I can check off all my to-do lists. This is your school to-do list for the week! How many check marks can you get? The PDF link is in Dojo, so feel free to download and print it from there!
School at Home Checklist

Activity #1 - READING

Today's reading suggestions:
1. Read some poetry. Remember we are still trying to answer the question.... what is poetry. As you read poetry, think about what is similar between the poems you read. Do they have rhyming? Is there spacing? Does it flow? Last, how are poems different from the regular books or 'prose' you read?
2. Read for fun! Pick a book or a stack of books you love, and go find a cozy place to curl up and read. Ask an adult to set a timer, and see how long you can do Read to Self without losing stamina. Remember that read to self means: 1. eyes on your own book 2. read the whole time 3. get started right away 4. stay in one spot 
3. Read your good fit book for the second time. Discuss half the questions today. Try to answer in full sentences, even when you are just speaking.
**Don't forget to record your reading life in your Covid reading log!** How long did you read today? What was the best part of your reading time?

Activity #2 - WRITING

Watch the poetry mini lesson I did today. 
Now, see if you can come up with a hello - goodbye poem. 
The templates are linked HERE
If you want you can print them off, or just do the work in your writers notebook and send me a picture through your portfolio. 

Activity #3 - WORD WORK

Let's take a break from Spelling City and word lists. Let's stretch our brain to be creative, while finding words! Try this 'making words' activity at home. I suggest either cutting out the letters at the bottom of the template page, or using scrap paper to create the letters, and move them around to make new words. How many words can you get? Did you figure out the secret word? Challenge yourself to complete the second half of the activity where you sort your words, come up with rhyming words, and write a sentence. I will post my completed work on Wednesday!

Activity #4 - MATH

It's lesson #2 for our different math groups! Hopefully you remember which one you are in! Take a few minutes to watch your lesson by clicking on your link, and then get started on your assignment. This lesson will last you until Thursday - or after spring break, so work at your own speed to complete the pages assigned.
If you have any questions about your work, let me know, I'm happy to plan a zoom meeting, or phone call in order to help you out! 

Activity #5 - MATH

I can see that many of you have spent some time on Prodigy math game. I encourage you to play for 10-20 minutes today. 

Challenges for Day #6

The following challenges below are meant to enhance your child's learning. I challenge students to complete as many as they want or can.

Challenge #1 - Wonder

Last 3 days of Wonder as our class novel! Tune in to hear how the story ends!

Challenge #2 - Mindfulness Walk

Watch the video and try and go for your own Mindful walk. This walk was in autumn, ours is in spring. Compare the similarities and differences. 
**double challenge - maybe you loaded up our class playlist for part of your walk outside.**
We are going to come back to this activity in writing after the spring break. So practice this walk today! 

Challenge #3 - Tunes Tuesday

Did you know you could still go on Spotify and listen to our class playlist! Today your challenge is to suggest a song or two that I could add to the playlist. You can't just send me the song though, follow the example below to suggest a song! Thanks for the new additions to our list Avery and Carter!

Song Name: The Power of Yet
Artist: C.J. Luckey
Why: I think this song should be on the class playlist because the power of yet is super important. This song encourages and inspires me and I hope it will remind my class that just because we can't do something - YET - it doesn't mean we won't be able to do something eventually.